
Vet Clinic Report

We held our first clinic of the year (Feb. 12-13, 2016), and with the plane landing a few hours late, we did not have a whole day in the south. Dr. Davis performed a few surgeries and conducted many exams administering booster shots to all. The mail boat arrival in the morning probably affected the number of people who were able to come.

We were busy in the north with more surgeries (sprays, neuters & one mole removal) and exams. Dr. Davis examined the rescue horse in Shanna’s Cove and said he is now in good health. Not bad for 40+ years!

Andrew was prepared to euthanize his 23(!) year-old dog but Dr. Davis said it was not time. Andrew sure must be doing something right!

Lining up for the vet in Port Howe
Lining up for the vet in Port Howe

Ready to get started on clinic day in Port Howe.
Ready to get started on clinic day in Port Howe.

Gigi awaiting for booster shots
Gigi awaiting for booster shots

Lily keeping an eye on the ants
Lily keeping an eye on the ants

Puppy Blue had talked to everyone
Puppy Blue had talked to everyone
In the waiting room
In the waiting room